Why is writing important essay
Massage Therapy Essay Topics
Monday, August 24, 2020
Human Resources Planning and Development (Hilton Hotels) Essay
HR Planning and Development (Hilton Hotels) - Essay Example In this manner there are no providing food offices subsequently no staff to man such administrations with the exception of breakfast. The purpose for this reasoning is that their clients contain traveler families who are more into adventuring and investigating the encompassing regions and less inclined to utilize the lodging offices. 3 As an outcome the HR practice at Travelodge is confined to employing staff absent a lot of object and at the most minimal rate conceivable. There is no space for motivating forces and prizes for better execution. Thusly preparing isn't viewed as a need for improving staff execution. Since Travelodge is a spending inn, the administration feels that it will consistently get newcomers to go along with it all the more without any problem. Enrollment implies that the determination procedure of representatives must be very much characterized by prerequisite for the activity. Preparing of the representatives, the two newcomers and existing ones, is a persistent exercise that must be attempted to hone the presentation levels of the staff. The most troublesome part is maintenance of staff. For this it is recommended that the representatives be compensated. In any case, the degree of execution of workers isn't only an aftereffect of their abilities yet in addition the consequence of inspiration every individual shows. There are two wellsprings of inspiration, natural and extraneous. Since it isn't generally conceivable to possess outside remunerations all the energy for all exercises the administration needs to advance inherent inspiration that is simply the result of inward factors like fulfillment or the joy of acceptable exhibition (Hagedoorn and Van Yperen 2003). The characteristic inspiration is additionally best as in this condition the representative creates liking with the association and believes the government assistance of the association to be his prosperity. This improves his profitability and execution since it will oblige his own fulfillment. Such workers are additionally faithful to the company’s cause. Interestingly the worker who searches for
Saturday, August 22, 2020
William Bratton and the Compstat Idea essays
William Bratton and the Compstat Idea expositions William Bratton isn't apprehensive about difficult work. He doesn't step back from a test; rather, he grasps it. Maybe this is the reason he turned out to be so effective in the field of law authorization. Bratton, who holds a four year certification from Boston State College and is an alum of the FBI National Executive Institute, first turned into a cop in Boston in 1970. Only ten years after the fact he was the director of police, which is the most elevated sworn position in the Boston Police Department (Dussault 1, 2). From that point he proceeded to oversee police organizations, transportation specialists, and the New York City Transit Police (where he cut tram wrongdoing by about half) (Dussault 1). In 1993 he was named police While Bratton was making the most of his much-merited achievement in Boston, the New York City crime percentage was experiencing the naysayer demeanor that won among cops all over the place. Police officers accepted they could sit idle about wrongdoing; in their psyches, wrongdoing was brought about by cultural factors, for example, joblessness, broken families, and terrible training, and how would they be able to conceivably fix those issues' Police leaders acknowledged their cops' reasons that they didn't have the correct assets to battle wrongdoing, and as a result, crime percentages rose (PoliceTalk.com 1). Be that as it may, when Rudolph Giuliani became chairman of New York City, he would not like to hear any reasons, and he needed to follow through on his guarantee to bring down the crime percentage. Giuliani knew how fruitful Bratton had been as leader of the New York City Travel Police just as in different regions, so he delegated Bratton as police When Bratton was confirmed, he made New York City a guarantee: The NYPD would battle wrongdoing in each boroughand win. Wrongdoing would go somewhere near 10 percent the principal year and by another 15 percent the following (Tapellini 1). Numerous individuals thought Bratton was a numb-skull to make such a strong guarantee; they weren't right. From 1994 t... <!
Saturday, July 25, 2020
We open in Venice
We open in Venice DID YOU KNOW? Benito Mussolini ordered that the Leaning Tower of Pisa be straightened. Engineers decided that the best solution would be to pour concrete into its base. The tower actually ended up leaning even further and now must be stabilized with cables. For those of you just tuning in, there is a reason that my blog consists mostly of me standing in front of European landmarks. You can go back and read that whole entry, or if you just want the gist of it, its because MIT is awesome. And because of the MISTI program, also awesome. Hokay, so I took 550 pictures over five days in Italy. This is mostly thanks to Lings brilliant idea of Bring a flash drive to Italy, then we can go to internet cafes and transfer pictures from your camera! You go girl. Now, Berlin got three entries with only 218 pictures. So, if you go through and do the math, youll realize that Im way too lazy to write 7 entries about Italy and Im just going to condense it all into one super-dense, super-hot neutron star of an entry. Hey, also, Im kind of dumb and uploaded the original 25601920 pixel versions of these pictures instead of the 512384 ones that I usually use. So dont look at the rest of the entry if youre on a dialup, or your computer will probably implode. Ill have everything back to normal size on Monday night. Before we even got our baggage out of baggage check, I glanced in a vending machine and saw a mysterious brown-colored Fanta with an 80 cent price tag. Remembering it from Bryans spring break entry. Well, when in Rome Bryan described the taste as a strange combination of yuck yuck and gross, and I dont know that I can really improve on that. I only offer my condolences to him for paying four euros for this mysterious, horrible beverage-like substance. Venice As an engineer, Venice just doesnt make much sense to me. Who thought it would be a good idea to build a city on hundreds of low-lying interconnected islands in the Adriatic? But, then again, as an MIT student, bad ideas are not exactly foreign to me. And global warming and soil erosion were also probably not such great concerns to people who still thought the Earth was flat. I guess with my turkey carcass = oil UROP, Im actually working to save Venice, especially from stuff like this in St. Marks Square, the lowest point of Venice. According to a poster we saw nearby, the normally-pigeon-filled square floods over 300 days out of the year. I hypothesized that they just spray pigeon pheremones all throughout the square to keep the flocks of dirty birdsand touristscoming there every afternoon. Maybe they spray tourist pheremones too. I would. The picture above was taken during high tide from the roof of the lovely, mosaiced St. Marks Basilica, which is totally worth the 3 ?K stair-taking fee. As we sat on the roof for about an hour, a sound crew set up for a concert taking place in the square that night. To test the system, they repeatedly played the introduction to a live version of the Eagles Hotel California over it. It was one of the most serene, yet also one of the strangest moments of our trip to Italy. As a tourist, Venice is probably gonna kill you. I dont know what all we spent all our money on, but it just seemed to flow pretty freely as we walked slowly around this illogical, surreal, wet city. Even staying 30 minutes outside of the city in a campsite (with outdoor showers!), I spent as much in one day in Venice as I did the following two days in Florence and Rome. We took a lovely gondola ride. I would recommend to anybody going to Venice in the near future not to take a Gondola ride. Its nice and everything, and certainly charming to go through all the little canals and alleys, and we took lots of pictures and now we can say that weve been in a gondola. Okay, great. But its not worth 20 ?K per person, which is basically the best rate youre going to get unless you took 15.655: Power and Negotiation in MITs world-renowned Sloan School of Management. Yes, everybody has this conception of a romantic moonlight Gondola ride with one quiet gondolier and another guy sitting in the front singing bel canto arias while accompanying himself on lute or accordion. But our gondolier, though very personable and outgoing, was singing She Bangs for most of the trip. Seriously. So, after a Friday in Venice, we woke up and got on the first available train to Florence I brought two t-shirts for my five day trip to Italy. One of them has a picture of my second cousins dog on it and the other one cost 2 euro and says BUNDESTRAINER on it. While in Venice, I bought a Lukas Podolski jersey. I really couldnt help it. Im really easily influenced by other people, and when Kendall bought a Ballack jersey and Ling bought a Schweinsteiger jersey, I had to have one too. I didnt know anything about Lukas Podolski when I bought it except that I really liked that Lu Lu Lu Lukas Podolski! cheer. The point of the story is that it ended up being a bit awkward for me displaying this German football pride so prominently in Italy one month after the world cup. A few Italian people jokingly told me to take off the jersey, but none of them refused to take my picture. What you dont see above is that we are facing a couple, hidden from view over the side of the bridge, who are having a romantic panini lunch while overlooking the dark, clear, Arno as a steady stream of tourists jump over a bridge onto this ledge and have their pictures taken. I could definitely see myself having my honeymoon in Florence and sitting on this little ledge while tourist after tourist jumps down in front of me. Speaking of honeymoons, being a tourist in Italy involves a lot of waiting in line. Our first marathon of line-waiting occurred at the Uffizi Gallery in Italy. We had the choice of going the Uffizi to see the Birth of Venus or to a different gallery to see Michelangelos David. Since both required two-hour waits in line, we only had time for one. We finally picked the Uffizi because there was a fake statue of David like 100 feet away. There is also a green David replica made out of bronze that we were going to see, but there was a thunderstorm and we decided that going to the top of a hill to see a 17-foot bronze statue during a thunderstorm was a bad idea. Anyway, to pass the time in line, we played childrens games like MASH (I ended up living in a mansion in Arizona married to Lukas Podolski, but my job was a pooper-scooper) and I Spy. No offense to Ling and Kendall, they are both brilliant MIT students and awesome people, but they are really bad at I Spy. After my first turn, Ling spied with her little eye something white, which ended up being the reflection of the sun on a particular metal handle of a piece of luggage or something. Kendall went next with I spy something funny-colored, which sort of goes against the concept of the game. I went next and stumped them both for quite a while with something gray. It was a wet day, so they figured out that it was made of water, but neither of them could guess that what I was spying was rain clouds. But the Uffizi was great, if a little dimly-lit, and I recommend it to anybody going to Florence. I would recommend even more passionately making a reservation so you dont have to play I Spy for two hours. The main hallway has hundreds upon hundreds of sculptures and paintings that you could never have enough time to look at in two weeks. The actual Birth of Venus was hypnotic, Leonardos Annunciation was far more vivid than photographs of it suggest, and they also happened to have one of my all-time favorite paintings, Parmigianinos Madonna with the Long Neck. I dont know much about art, but that painting rocks. They also had an engineering exhibit about Leonardo Da Vincis anatomical, mathematical, and engineering innovations, which was just about the perfect thing for three MIT students on vacation at an art museum. He used phi, my favorite irrational number, in his famous Vitruvian Man! And the discussion of how Leonardo wanted to make this gigantic horse sculpture, so he designed the worlds largest bronze-casting facility, all the way down to the materials used in the oven and the shape of the cooling channels, sparked fond memories of the best parts of 10.302: Heat and Mass Transfer. So go to Florence and spend at least two days therethat way you can see the real David, the interior of the Duomo, and all the other stuff that we no doubt missed. Also, do not eat at the restaurant right across from the Uffizi, no matter how hungry you are. That was seriously the most putridly bad plate of gnocchi I have ever eaten. Pisa We didnt do much in Pisa. We left Florence at 7 AM, got to Pisa at 8 AM, saw the tower (I think its this way no, this way wait, we can see it above all the other buildings.), stood in front of it for half an hour taking pictures, bought some souvenirs, found out that getting into any of the other attractions cost money, ate a ham panini (so salty and delicious!) and hopped on the 11 AM train to Rome. In the process, I took this obligatory picture of Ling. Theres another picture that I took and uploaded, but good taste prohibits me from posting it. Sorry, country of Italy. It was Lings idea. Rome First of all, I want to advertise the Roma Inn hostel. It costs 20 ?K, its 15 minutes from the train station, 2 minutes from a subway stop, and 10 minutes from the Colosseum. They let you keep your stuff there after you check out. They have parties with free food and drinks every night, in addition to giving you free breakfast. Okay, so theres no shower curtains and the bathrooms are not exactly clean, and the garbage men will wake you up in the morning if you dont have earplugs, and the hotel manager sleeps on the floor right outside your bedroom. But I think its the best-valued hostel that we stayed at in the course of our 10 trips around Europe. You rock, Roma Inn. I love Rome. I love Rome and I want to go back. According to Sams Mom, my grandfather, whos from a little town in the mountains outside Rome, thought that the city smelled bad. Well, I thought it was actually a lot like New York, except it smelled better and everything is between one hundred and two thousand years old. Our first stop was the Colosseum. Half a bottle of sunscreen, 12 euros, and an hour later, we were inside. I would say that I was more impressed by the outside than the insideits really just a shell, with most of the inside destroyed, and a lot of the more interesting-looking hallways have been fenced off. But the 12 euros also gets you entrance to the Palatine Hill, a lovely but less-visited area of the city with no shortage of crumbling ruins. We stayed there until the ruins closed at sunset, lounging on them in the fading August light in a rare moment of isolation and contemplating how majestic the city must have seemed two thousand years ago, all while Ling took artistic pictures using the sepia setting on my camera. After they kicked us out, we took a trip down to Trevi fountain, which made my jaw literally dropped at seeing the majesty of Neptune overlooking his tritons and drowning horses. I mean literally. Not like Paula Abdul saying My stomach was literally in my throat or something like that. We engaged in the tradition of throwing coins over our shoulders to ensure a return trip to Rome, and took pictures of it in case anybody disputed it later. After an overpriced meal at a restaurant recommended to me by my otherwise-infallible colleague J??rgen, we headed home to the Roma Inn, where they were giving out free food anyway. Good times! We awoke from restless dreams at 7 AM the next morning and to head out to the Vatican and get in line before it opened at 8:45. Okay, yall. There are people who cut in line to get into VATICAN CITY. Seriously, what is wrong with you people? Im not even religious and I wouldnt be caught dead doing that. I guess Im not one to talk, since we passed two and a half hours in line playing chinese poker in front of the Vatican, but at least we werent gambling or cheating at it. Plus, the first hand Kendall played was three kings, and what could be more biblical than that? I took like a googolplex pictures inside the vatican, because every single room just turned out to be more beautiful, vast, and engrossing than the last, even the Egyptian mummy room that I didnt really understand. There was also an fascinating exhibit on micromosaics, which are used to decorate jewelry boxes or to make painstaking recreations of existing artwork using 1-mm wide stones. Wow. And then there was the Sistine Chapel. It was okay. There are signs right before it telling you not to take photos, talk, or sit down. Well, of course nobody really listens to that because you just flew all the way to Rome from Utah or Japan or something and then waited for two hours in line and then you had to walk through three hours of Vatican museum exhibits, and youll be damned (maybe literally?) if somebodys going to tell you not to take pictures of the Sistine Chapel. So the whole thing, which is a little smaller than I had imagined, and with a much higher ceiling, is a little bit ruined by the constant flashing of bulbs and the guards continually yelling NO FOTOS! NO FOTOS! SHHHHHHH! But we sat there waiting for Kendall for about 20 minutes, and as I stood there, hunched over, staring at The Last Judgment as hundreds of tourists milled around behind me, I couldnt be cynical for long. Finally, we went around the Vatican and saw St. Peters Basilica. Let me tell you, it was absolutely, without a doubt, the most beautiful building I have ever seen. My colleague showed me about fifty pictures that he took of it before he left, but absolutely nothing could prepare me for stepping inside and seeing that cold light softly falling through the windows of Michelangelos dome, faintly illuminating the dark, breathless majesty within. Michelangelos Pieta was equally stunning, and I needed about an hour just to walk around the enormous, overwhelming interior and take everything in. Just amazing. And after a short trip to the Pantheon and some sumptuous gelato/i in some square whose name I forget, we stopped at a grocery store for some provisions and headed off for a completely uneventful trip to the airport. All in all, Italy was perhaps the most beautiful vacation I have ever taken. I learned something, toohow to shuffle cards. I also learned that Italy really, really, really takes advantage of its tourists, corroborated by this article sent to me by the incomparable Ruth 07. But then again, if tour groups were carrying on conversations with each other and taking pictures in the Pantheon while I was conducting mass, I would want to get back at them, too. Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes!
Friday, May 22, 2020
Steven Spielberg’s Interpretation of Philip K. Dicks’s...
Steven Spielberg’s Interpretation of Philip K. Dicks’s Minority Report In the year 2054 crime has become a thing of the past. The relatively new Pre-Crime system allows the government to operate an elite police force, which with the help of three very talented and unique human beings can see into the future and prevent countless crimes, especially murders before they happen. In Philip K. Dicks’s short story, The Minority Report, the world we live in is nearly infallible. With the reduction of violent criminal acts, people can live their lives in peace and prosperity without the fear of the pain and suffering, which usually accompanies violence. Likewise, in director Steven Spielberg’s 2002 movie re-creation of Dick’s†¦show more content†¦In both instances, as the story approaches an end point, Anderton realizes that his original vision of the predicament facing him was faulty. The shock and amazement that the individuals who Anderton though were behind an apparent plot to seize his job by framing him for murder, were in fac t simply doing their jobs by pursuing him, leads the main character to uncover a plan where other previously benign forces were at play manipulating the situation at hand for their own personal gains. In the final moments of both narrations of the story, the somewhat ironic endings for those involved lead to the proclamation of Anderton’s innocence and the punishment of those really attempting to manipulate the Pre-Crime system for their own use. Although both Dick’s and Spielberg’s versions of The Minority Report were alike in many general ways, Spielberg’s later interpretation of Dick’s short story did deviate somewhat for its original context. Whereas Dick’s version of the narrative pitted John Anderton, the director of Pre-Crime against other corrupt elements of the government, Spielberg’s version, had Anderton struggle with internal elements within his own organization which were trying to assure a safe future for the Pre-Crime system. Furthermore, in Dick’s story Anderton was actually being framed by an Army General, Kaplan, in an effort to prove that Pre-Crime was faulty, which would
Friday, May 8, 2020
Obesity And Health Issues Caused By Obesity Essay - 899 Words
Obesity is an epidemic in the United States today. Being overweight is defined by the Centers for Disease Control as having a body mass index (BMI) of greater than 25 and obesity as a BMI greater than 30. Being overweight is more than just a cosmetic problem, it is a chronic condition that leads to many health issues. Health issues caused by obesity have a huge effect on the cost of healthcare. In 2008, the cost of obesity related health care was $147 billion dollars. An obese person will spend almost $1,500 more a year on healthcare than a person of a healthy weight (CDC.gov, 2015). More than 35% of American adults and 17% of children are overweight or obese. Non-hispanic blacks have the highest percentage of obesity at 47.8% followed by non-hispanic whites at 32.6%. Middle age people have the highest rate of obesity (39.5%) closely followed by adults over 60 (35.4%), with young adults making up the smallest group (30.3%). Rates also vary among socioeconomic groups and interestingly differ according to race and sex within those groups. Non-hispanic blacks and Mexican American men are more likely to be obese if they have a higher income. However, women are more likely to be obese if they have a lower socioeconomic status (CDC.gov, 2015). Obesity is not just its own disease, there is a link between being overweight and the development of many other chronic conditions. It has been directly linked to diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke,Show MoreRelatedObesity : A Serious Health Condition1452 Words  | 6 PagesObesity is a serious health condition that, if left untreated, causes serious health conditions. Contrary to popular belief, obesity is more than a condition caused by overeating and lack of exercise (Vallor 2013). Obesity is a disease (Callahan 2013); a disease that Americans are spending about $150 billion on annually (Zamosky 2013). Additionally, changing a person’s diet and exercise regimen may not be effective in some cases of obesity (Vallor 2013). Obesity is not like most well-known diseases;Read MoreRhetorical Analysis on Obesity1531 Words  | 7 PagesThe obesity epidemic is rapidly spreading throughout America, reeking havoc on the nation. I have chosen two article s that discuss this issue and use different rhetorical strategies to convince the reader of the causes of this deadly epidemic as well as different aspects of the disease that should be focused on when researching treatments options. Examining the different rhetorical strategies used in the articles proves that, although logos arguments can be a good way to convince an audience ofRead MoreObesity : A Silent Killer Invading Many Countries Across The World Essay1000 Words  | 4 PagesMosura Mr. Johnston English II 19 October 2016 Obesity There is a silent killer invading many countries across the world. The elusive murderer is called obesity. Obesity can be caused and prevented several ways. The health risks caused by obesity get worse the more obese people are or the higher Body Mass Index (BMI) people have. Many diseases and life-threatening problems occur while obese. Obesity, a plague that is infecting millions every year, is caused by several personal habits and can generateRead MoreChildhood Obesity: A Gowing Problem Around the World649 Words  | 3 PagesObesity is a growing problem all around the world for far too many children. Obesity means a person has too much body fat. Body fat is measured by a person’s body mass index. When one is measuring a person’s body mass index, they are finding their height and body weight then comparing it to the recommendations made by doctors for each age and gender. After doctors calculate it, they then find a percentile rank to determine present and future health issues. Around the world, childhood obesity hasRead MoreObesity Is A Complex Process953 Words  | 4 PagesTackling obesity is a complex process that requires a proactive approach and interventions from the individual, society, local authorities, and public health service and partner organisation (PHE 2016f). In response to obesity as a public health issue, the government introduces no of policies, strategy and health campaign to tackle this problem, including Change4life campaign and Healthy Lives, Healthy People: A call to action on obesity in England (Foresight 2007). Chang4life is a public health campaignRead MoreObesity Is A Major Health Epidemic1264 Words  | 6 PagesThe topic chosen was on obesity, the reason why this topic was chosen is obesity has now become a major health epidemic. Americans are increasing becoming overweight, which is leading to several major health problems that is costing our health care systems billions of dollars a year to treat. This is a health related problem that can be prevented if individuals were to make better choices when it comes to their diet and activities. The reason these three articles were chosen are they provide primaryRead MoreObesity Is A Significant Health Issue1594 Words  | 7 PagesObesity is a significant health issue that is continuing to spread and intensify throughout elementary school nationwide. It can be best defined as â€Å"an excessively high amount of body fat in relation to lean body mass†(â€Å"Childhood Obesity†). This harmful health condition is a condition that severely negatively impacts the students in all aspects of their lives physically, socially, and mentally. It also effects the educators and parents on a large scale. Obesity is a significant prolonged issue thatRead MoreObesity : The Elusive Murderer Essay985 Words  | 4 Pagescalled obesity. Obesity can be caused and prevented several ways. The health risks caused by obesity get worse the more ob ese people are or the higher Body Mass Index (BMI) people have. Many diseases and life-threatening problems occur while obese. Obesity, a plague that is infecting millions every year, is caused by several personal habits and can generate many life-threatening problems. Obesity is gradually growing all across the world. There are many sad predictions being made about obesity ratesRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Major Health Issue1731 Words  | 7 Pages Abstract Childhood obesity is a major health issue nationwide and globally. This has been going on for many years and childhood obesity has increased tremendously. The main problem is the difference between calorie ingestion and calories consumed. Other influences (hereditary, developmental, and environmental) can also affect obese children. Physical, emotional, and public health issues causes pain and suffering for many children. The process of obesity growth is not completely understoodRead MoreFast Food Restaurants: A Detriment to the Health of Americans833 Words  | 4 Pagesobese people in the have eaten regularly at fast food restaurants. As the obesity rate increases, the number of fast food restaurants goes up as well. Although it is not certain, many believe that obesity in the United States is correlated to eating fast food. Since the United States has the highest obesity rate out of any country, it is important for Americans to monitor the fast food industry that may be causing obesity. With the pressure to get things done in a timely manner, fast food became
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Paper cut Free Essays
Dynasty, paper cuts have a close relationship with the custom activities and the drama (#5). People are likely to watch drama so that there are lots of dramas in that period of time. For instance, â€Å"The Romance of The West Chamber†Rid) is one of the drama in Yuan dynasty. We will write a custom essay sample on Paper cut or any similar topic only for you Order Now People usually cut red paper into different characters with background according to the drama for different uses, they may sell them or use as decoration. During Mining and King Dynasty, paper cuts become common among ordinary people, paper cuts are common to see in different festivals such as autumn festivals and drama. On the other hand, paper cuts are widely used in decorating the indoor part of the palace. The paper cuts designs include Dragon, Phoenix, and Bat, and these designs are used to decorate the ceilings of the hall and the walls of the corridors . Up to now, paper cuts is losing its status in the society, people are unwilling to participate in the inheritance of paper cuts. People therefore have fewer opportunities to reach this kind of folk art but they still can find paper cuts at old laces and some traditional buildings. Traditionally, women and girls in the countryside have to take in charge of making embroidery, let alone, the paper cuts. This is used to be a craft that every women must know how to do in their life. It even uses this craft to distinguish whether the bride is good or bad. Every year, they usually take part in the making embroidery after the harvest period, while they have spare time, they will start doing paper cuttings in order to do preparation for the coming year. These paper cuts are used to decorate the windows How to cite Paper cut, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Singer Vs Regan Essays - Animal Rights, Animal Welfare, Bioethics
Singer Vs Regan Tom Rybak Phil 340-01 2000-02-03 Singer vs. Regan Despite their rather different philosophical foundations, both philosophers arrive at basically the same conclusions. Singer takes a utilitarian approach, while Regan takes a deontological rights and inherent value position. In the end they both take a position of vegetarianism and advocated banning animal experimentation and sport hunting. In an exchange of letters in the April 25, 1985 issue of The New York Review of Books, Regan writes: Singer and I have been independently applying and developing very different ethical theories to ... the treatment of non-human animals. He continues that it is difficult to exaggerate the radical moral difference between Singer's utilitarianism and the rights view. At the end of Singer's reply to Regan, Singer mentions: The practical value of Regan's book (All the dwell Therein) lies in its attack on our social practices of using animals as research tools and as mere lumps of palatable living flesh. On these practical issues Regan and I are in full agreement. Viewed from the perspective of a society which continues to accept these practices, the philosophical differences between us hardly matter. In 1975, Australian philosopher Peter Singer wrote a book called Animal Liberation. In this book Singer argued that humans should not use animals, all based on utilitarianism. Utilitarians say actions should be judged strictly by their consequences. An action is good if it will provide the greatest benefit to the largest number of individuals. Singer did not stop there, and said that when we calculate consequences, we must take into account the interests not only of human beings but also of animals. If we fail to consider these animals' interests, or if we give human beings special consideration, we are guilty of speciesism. To Singer, animal research is morally acceptable if the benefits to humans or animals used clearly outweigh the harm to the animals used in the research. He usually concludes that the cost to the animals outweighs the benefit to others. Singer's contender, Tom Regan set forth another animal rights view in a 1983 book, The Case for Animal Rights. Regan emphasizes that not only people, but also many animals are entitled to certain rights. He bases his reasoning on the idea that both humans and animals have an elementary understanding of the world and know generally what they desire from life. Regan's rights-based philosophy says that most mammals older than one year qualify for basic rights. Furthermore, Regan argues that it is wrong for humans to use animals for their own needs and in general, to deprive animals of their rights. Regan disagrees with Singer's utilitarian program for animal liberation. Regan allocates intrinsic value to animals and humans. This value describes the animals', or human's right to life and concern for them. Regan feels that the utilitarian view lacks this intrinsic value. In addition, he states the goals of his theologies: The total abolition of the use of animals in science, the total dissolution of commercial animal agriculture, and the total elimination of commercial and sport hunting and trapping. In addition, he sees Singer's utilitarian view noted above, failing on two accounts. First, utilitarianism is concerned only with the desires of a being, e.g. such as the desire for pleasure. At the same time the view takes no regard for the inherent worth of these beings (human or animal). Second, Regan emphasizes the problem of utilitarianism that it would be morally permissible to arbitrarily make an individual suffer for the benefit of the greater good. Regan issues that the best theory of morality will be one that grants rights to all beings who have inherent worth. This prevents morality from becoming an exclusive club as in contractarianism, and does not allow individuals to be exploited on behalf of the greater good. Regan explains that a being has inherent worth when it is a subject of a life, or when the being has preferences, beliefs, feelings, recollections, and expectations. It has been noted that many animals exhibit these features and therefore have inherent worth. Regan criticizes alternative criteria of inherent worth. To say that only intelligent beings have inherent worth will exclude infants and mentally impaired people, which is inadequate. To say that only Homo Sapiens have
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